This 9-digit code will serve as your Login for functions on this Website.
Contact Information:
Lic #:
Please check all contact information you DO NOT want used on our website: ie: Officers and Unit pages
Have you ever been a member of OSTC?
Yes / No, Comments
Yes? How many years ago:
How many years have you prepared tax returns?
Are you a member of another professional organization?
Yes / No, Comments
Yes? Name of organization:
Have you ever been officially disciplined by a regulatory agency?
Yes / No, Comments
Have you ever been expelled, suspended or disciplined by a professional organization?
Yes / No, Comments
Constant Contact:
All Members are added to our Constant Contact e-mailing system. If you opt-out of Consant Contact,
you will not receive any notices for upcoming OSTC seminars/events, dues renewals, or IRS/ODR education updates, etc.
Your contact information will never be sold or dispensed for any purpose or to any other organization.
If you wish to opt-out, please indicate by entering your initials here:
I agree to the following:
I hereby certify that the above statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
I will abide by the By-laws (User: ORTAX, P/w: ORTAX) and Code of Ethics adopted by the Oregon Society of Tax Consultants.
In the event my membership is terminated for any reason, I agree to return my certificate of membership.
Please enter the Name on the Credit Card to help us relate the payment (next step) to the registration.
Only necessary if different that the applicant name above.
ie: Name on Credit Card (or "Data Update Only")
Please do not include company names that do not appear on the statements.
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